What is your name (real or gamer tag), job title, and company?
Ben, software engineer at Amazon.
What is your or your team’s primary driver to competing in the CEA?
While its not likely we’ll take first and second place again, the goal is to defend our title as reigning champions.
What is your strategy going into this season?
First, make sure our teams are set up, then repeat last season’s pattern. Gather and analyse data, collaborate with team, practice hard, play smart. There’s been a lot of churn in our roster across all teams, so it’ll take a little bit to get a grasp of play styles to come up with strategies.
What three games do you have the most overall hours in? How is this representative of your overall personality?
Starcraft 2, Diablo 3, World of Warcraft, in that order. I tend to gravitate towards games that have a lot of planning and less exact execution, then again, I say that and my top game is SC2.